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  • Writer's pictureJack Diehm

The First 48

I have been in Paris, France for almost 48 hours at the time of this blog post. So far I have walked the slim streets, rode the crowded metro, and finally settled down in our cozy apartment. In a weird way, this beautiful city is exactly what I expected and yet totally different than anything I could’ve ever envisioned. I knew that the buildings would be breathtaking. I knew that the culture would be shocking at first. But until you are surrounded by those breathtaking buildings and those unique people you will never know what it’s really like. It’s thunder stormed both days that I’ve been here so far. But both days couldn’t have been better. I got to see the Eiffel Tower in person. One less item on my bucket list. The time difference has been tough. Waking up at 5:00 am and waiting a few hours until the first few café’s open is a strange feeling. But after eating my first crêpe in Paris, I can assure you it will not be my last.

My first 48 hours in Paris have flown by, but I’ve been sure to take a long hard look at everything around me. I’ve never been to a place like it at all. The next few weeks are going to be filled with new experiences and I can’t miss a second of it.

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