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  • Writer's pictureJack Diehm

Left Hand, Right Hand

Today we spoke with Sean-Patrick Lovett, the VP of media at the Vatican. I cannot begin to explain how incredible he was. After listening to that guest speaker I felt more inspired than I have ever felt after listening to someone talk. He was so intelligent and he had been through all of the experiences needed to gain the credibility that he preached.

He mentioned a phenomenon in which your left and right hand represent your “path” in a way. Your left hand represents the choices that you make in your life with your skills. And your right hand represents the elements of yourself that are given to you. The things you can’t choose.

Here are my left and right hands:


I feel like I have been through experiences that many people have not which makes me a unique voice when I write. I also believe that with the amount of places that I’ve lived I have been able to absorb a lot of different cultures and therefore have a lot of credibility. I also am a really talented writer when I am passionate about something. It doesn’t even feel like a job. I also think I have great communication skills. I’ve always been good with technology too, which companies look for as essential now in today’s day and age.


How will I take advantage of these skills? I’m going to really try to find that same passion as often as possible. Sometimes I get writers block because I am not passionate about whatever it is I’m trying to write about. If I can find a certain field that I am always passionate about, I will be able to do my best work all the time and not feel like it’s truly work. I will use my communication skills when I am networking with people all the time. Lastly, I feel that I can use my unique experiences to my advantage throughout all of my writing. It’s how I’m going to add a different style to everything I do. You have to set yourself apart from everyone else who is trying to make it in this industry. I think I have a great way to do so.

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